Sunday, January 20, 2013

Chapter 1 - 04

Follow @Cryptix23 on Twitter to get Case updates, as well as random thoughts on whatever happens to have her attention at the moment. You might even get hints as the mystery unfolds. ;)

A great big thank-you to Linkara for retweeting my link and getting this silly project a little more exposure. I can't really return the favor, but I never turn down an opportunity to tell people about this show, so: if you don't watch Linkara's Atop the Fourth Wall, you should give it a chance. He's a pretty cool guy, he reviews comics and doesn't afraid of anything and doesn't afraid of anything.


  1. >Pocket tickets, speed hack laptop.

  2. >Investigate Laptop.

    >Look in drawers.

    I highly doubt that she can speed hack the laptop due to her lack of getting along with tech.

  3. >Look through laptop

    >Search through the drawers

  4. >Hack the laptop! I bet her password is the same as the guinea pig's name!

  5. >Take tickets and book
    >Investigate laptop

  6. >look under bed
    > check waste bin


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